Day 86 (26 March 2012) Father Daughter Time

Today I’ll be seeing my gf off to Spain for a 3 year tour in the mission field.  It’s a bitter-sweet day as I’m excited for her and proud of what she’s doing, but I’m gonna miss her a lot.  I’ll of course get to visit her and thanks to technology, get to “see” and talk to her often.

Her family and I took a short walk before heading to the airport and I was able to take this shot of her and her father getting some father/daughter time together.

Father Daughter Time

60 mm, 1/40 sec, f/6.3, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Father Daughter Time)

6 thoughts on “Day 86 (26 March 2012) Father Daughter Time

  1. Beautiful moment captured! a loving memory for when she is away. Thanks to all media you will be able to stay in contact, still it’s always hard to say goodbye! Take care Jeremy

  2. Beautiful photo Jeremy.
    The light is awesome here.
    It’s sad she is leaving for 3 years, but technology is awesome, now the only thing that they have to create is some device where you can touch the other person.

What did you think? All thoughts & critiques are welcome!