The Heart On Fire Award

Pablo nominated me for this award about 10 days ago, but I missed it 😦  I really enjoy his blog, especially the education he shares about the subject of his fine photos!  To keep this award I have to share 7 facts about myself (I feel like you will know all about me by the end of this year!)

1. I love reading: sic-fi fiction, leadership, personal finance, Christianity (I average about 1-2 books a month)
2. I have loved rock collecting since before I even knew what a camera was, and still have much of my collection from my childhood.
3. I live on the edge of a rural town in Eastern CT, and dislike living in “cities” and prefer my few acres of woods
4. I love photography (duh!)
5. I have lived in 7 states
6. Fall is my favorite time of year
7. I’ve broken 50mph on a snowboard 🙂

Those who I would nominate, are some more of my favorite blogs.  You should check them out, as they each have their own merits 🙂

Denzil Jennings Photography,


My Days in Focus
The Regina Chronicles 366

Project 365 by Kenneth Todd


10 thoughts on “The Heart On Fire Award

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