Finding Nemo – I found him!! 11 Feb 2013

Wow!  What a storm!  I was lucky enough to receive 3-4 feet of snow!  Well, lucky in that I have a good shovel, a 4wd truck, and a back strong enough to shovel a few hundred feet of driveway.

Well, anyway, I survived, didn’t loose power, and took a break after shoveling to break out my camera and enjoy the winter wonderland 🙂  On Sunday I took a few moments to visit a small beach to see what snow on the beach was like.

Please let me know what you think of these photos!

2013_Feb_09_Blizzard Nemo_092

2013_Feb_09_Blizzard Nemo_020

2013_Feb_09_Blizzard Nemo_036

2013_Feb_09_Blizzard Nemo_068

2013_Feb_09_Blizzard Nemo_055

2013_Feb_10_Blizzard Beach_003

2013_Feb_10_Blizzard Beach_003

6 thoughts on “Finding Nemo – I found him!! 11 Feb 2013

  1. Glad to know you survived the storm , and actually walked away with some amazing shots. Love how the sun is peaking through the trees on the first three photos.

    And wow, snow on the beach is definitely something.

  2. Nice work! Anxious to see the snow in person again, but until then your images are bringing snow to my corner of Barcelona! ¡Moltes gràcies! 🙂

What did you think? All thoughts & critiques are welcome!