The Bridges of New London County

It’s been a while since I’ve posted.  I don’t shoot (or process) near as often as I would like.  I guess that’s just letting life get in the way of stuff I love.  Life being school, wedding planning, and just not taking the time to do anything with my camera.  The 365 project was really good at keeping me in the photo mode.

But anyway, here are some photos I’ve taken in the past few weeks.  Enjoy!

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Looking Up2013_Mar_03_Gold Star Bridge_007

Gold Star Bridge2013_Mar_03_Gold Star Bridge_030

Tilt Shift – Bridge

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Salmon River

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Comstock Bridge

Finding Nemo – I found him!! 11 Feb 2013

Wow!  What a storm!  I was lucky enough to receive 3-4 feet of snow!  Well, lucky in that I have a good shovel, a 4wd truck, and a back strong enough to shovel a few hundred feet of driveway.

Well, anyway, I survived, didn’t loose power, and took a break after shoveling to break out my camera and enjoy the winter wonderland 🙂  On Sunday I took a few moments to visit a small beach to see what snow on the beach was like.

Please let me know what you think of these photos!

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8 Feb 2013 – Baby it’s cold outside!

Here are some of my images from the past week or so, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!

There is an irrigation pond not far from my home where the ‘old timers’ like to gather and fish.  Not having good ice traction, I wasn’t able to talk to this gentleman, other than to ask if I could take his photo.

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I was able to borrow my friends’s wide angle lens (Tokina 11-16mm), so I brought it to Avery Point in Groton, CT to try it out a little bit. As it was my first time with the lens, I wasn’t too impressed in general w/ my images, the lens is fun, though it feels almost like a prime. I think I’ll try the Canon 10-20 next 🙂

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Wednesday night, after teaching a class to kids on photography, I felt inspired to shoot some night photography. I shot these from a pedestrian bridge over Rt 32 in Waterford, CT. In the first image you can see the athletic complex for ConCollege in the foreground and the town of Groton across the river. The brightest lights lights across the river, on the left side, are SubBase New London (yes, it’s in Groton) where I was stationed before I got out.

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These last two I took today. I had a green glass bowl that I had used to make banana bread that was in the drying rack over the portion cups I used to pre-measure my ingredients. It looked pretty cool as the muted sun glinted off the now-green cups.

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Day 364-366 Last photos from 2012

This post is WAY overdue, I know, but it’s here 🙂 I was a bit distracted the last few days of 2012 spending time with my fiancé 🙂  But I was reminded that I still need to wrap up this project.

It took me about 4 days for the momentum of the project to slow down enough for me to not take a photo during an entire day!  It was a weird experience after spending a year taking photos every day to not pick up my camera, but it was nice to not have to worry about the project while I was spending the time w/ my new fiancé before she went back to Spain for 3 months.

I’ve not given up photography, but am spending more time learning more, reading, watching videos on photography.  My focus in 2013 is to focus on improving my technique, skills, and creative eye.  I might try to take up some portrait gigs for friends as practice, too 🙂

I currently am working to set up a new website, where I can showcase my best work, and still keep up a blog with a more appropriate name than “365photosbyjeremy” 🙂  Once it’s up I’ll let  you all know so you can follow me at my new home 🙂  Until then I’ll keep posting some images here as I work on the new site.  I hope you will content to follow my work and provide feedback.

Well, here are the last few images from 2012, I hope you enjoy them!




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Days 353-363 (18-28 Dec 2012) Catch Up Post, and GOOD NEWS!!

These past several days have been crazy, busy, and awesome!  I have not had a chance to post, but I have taken photos every day (even if just with my iPhone), so I am still on track for this project!!!

Below are some of the photos, the most important/best ones of these several days.  Some have not been processed yet, and others (such as the iPhone snapshots) are not worth posting here.  Starting next year, I will move my blog to another WordPress address; I have a few reserved, but will let you know the new address to subscribe to.  I will not be doing another 365 project, but I will still be making photos all the time, and posting.  My goal is to have a site (WordPress or other) where I can post not only a blog, but also galleries to show off my best work.  I will also be buying a domain name (or two) and professional hosting.

Please take a moment and view below what is my absolute favorite photo of all time!!

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She said YES!!!!!

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Christmas with my Fiancé

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Maine Lobster Pots

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FIshing Boats in Portland ME

2012_Dec_26_Lensbaby_024Rain On A Window (Shot with my new Lensbaby Spark!)


Latte (Shot with my new Lensbaby Spark!)

Day 352 (17 Dec 2012) Reflections

It just dawned on me that reflections is the perfect follow up for my journaling post for yesterday!  Yet I didn’t even plan it out, lol 🙂

I drove around town a bit trying to find good puddles; it had been raining all day.  I wasn’t feeling very energetic, but after driving a bit, I finally found something usable.  There were not a lot of good puddles in the parking lots (at least not where the traffic was non-existant, lol), but this will work 🙂

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Day 245 (10 Dec 2012) Parking Trees

Tonight as I was pulling into my church’s parking lot to lead the final Financial Peace University class of this series, I noticed that many of the trees in the parking lot islands had lights very close to them.  From the right perspective it looked like there was a light shining from the top of the tree itself, illuminating it’s branches from the top.  The rain had broken by the time class was over and left a light haze which was illuminated by the lights and gave the area around it a nice glow.  So what did I do?  Bust out my tripod and camera, of course!  I know you are not surprised 🙂

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Day 343 (8 Dec 2012) Foggy Lake

I love fog! I was on my way into town to study at a coffee shop (I get too distracted at home sometimes) and it was one of those days where it’s just a light drizzle with fog and clouds and just a chill the permeates everything. I took the short way into town, which I’ve taken many times, and I noticed just enough fog on the lake to slightly obscure the trees. It was perfect to shoot! I set up the tripod, took some exposures, then it dawned on me that the gate was open, so hopped in the car and drove down the road a bit to get another angle on the lake. That’s when I saw this swimming dock just floating out in the lake. That was the shot I was looking for, the shot I’ve wanted to take for a long time!

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Day 338 (3 Dec 2012) Sunrise in the fog

This was one of those mornings we have here in New England where a warm, humid day is followed by a cool night, resulting in patches of dense fog.  There is something about fog that lends an air of mystery to the landscape, that just draws me into it.  I just want to enter in and see what it’s hiding my sight.

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Mystery In The Field

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Morning Fog

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Morning Commute

This project is winding down, with less than a month to go!!  I’m excited about that fact!  This has been a HUGE commitment, more than I could have ever imagined when I began 338 days ago.  While I’m on track to meet my goal of taking a photo every day, other goals have been pushed aside to reach this one (most notably my goal to read 24 books this year, I might get to 16-18).  However, I have learned A LOT and my skill has improved more so in the last year than the all the previous years combined!  From my photography side of things, it has been worth it, but overall, taking into account the time I should have been studying, reading, doing house/yard work, etc, I’m not sure.  And to be honest, I’m not sure it matters at this point.

I will not be doing another 365 project in 2013, but I will still be very active with my camera still!  I will spend a lot more time learning and studying techniques, learning more about editing, and not feeling the pressure to come up with an idea at 10pm when I should be sleeping, just to say I shot that day.  If you have a lot of time, or really want to improve your photography, I do recommend a 365 project.  If you don’t have a lot of time, a 52 project (one a week) might be more fitting.

Now as this project approaches completion, I am looking for an idea for my last post of the year; something to top off a year of shooting some great images with style!  I’m open for suggestions, but with the caveat that I do have to work the 31st.  So fire away!

I’m also looking for ideas of what you would like to see in the next year.  I will be posting my best images, at minimum.  But I could start creating some tutorials on my favorite styles/techniques (both to help y’all out, and to make me learn them better!), and maybe do some gear reviews, of the stuff I have used (which is limited).  I don’t see this as a profession, but maybe someday I can make some money to by new gear 😀

Day 333 (28 Nov 2012) The Melting of the Snow

After yesterday’s snow, the sun came out today and it warmed up a tad, so the snow started to melt a bit.  Most of its still here as of tonight.  So during my lunch break I took out my macro lens & tripod and attempted to shoot some droplets.  I’ve been following H2O by Joanna for quite a while and she creates some amazing drop photos, and she has inspired many images of mine, such as todays (though hers are better 🙂 )

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Day 332 (27 Nov 2012) A Snowy Road

Winter in New England means snow!  I love the snow; I love watching it fall, snow ball fights, hiking in it (gonna go for snow shoes this year, I think), driving in it, and LOVE snowboarding 🙂

I took my truck for a drive down an old farm road in the woods near where I live on my lunch break and took these shots.  It’s not a lot of snow, yet, but it’s still November 🙂



Tomorrow I’m going to try for an early AM shot, so lets hope I can get up on time!!

Day 328 (23 Nov 2012) Plymouth

Today after hitting the one Black Friday sale for the one item I needed I made my way to a beach in Plymouth, MA.  There was a heavy fog this morning, and I was hoping it would linger a bit.  There was still some by the time I shot, so I’m happy w/ the shots 🙂  I just need a sensor cleaning (spent some time correcting for the sensor dust tonight)

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Day 325 (20 Nov 2012) Blasted Weather. . .

Well, It isn’t anyone’s fault but mine for thinking the sky would be clear tonight, and that I would be able to get the shot I had planned.  Better luck tomorrow 🙂  So, here is what I shot, not exactly the plan, but I did get to try out my new-to-me 75-300 zoom!

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Day 322 (17 Nov 2012) Jack Frost

This morning I awoke to sub-freezing temps, and as soon as the sun was high enough, I pulled out my camera and macro lens and tried to shoot the frost.  I want to try this again! I love how the ice refracts the light like a prism, too.




Day 313 (8 Nov 2012) Footprints

I wanted to post the poem, “Footprints in the Sand” poem, but when I did a quick google search for it, I discovered that it appears to be still under copyright, with no blanket permissions (unlike the creative commons license I use for my work).  So, please follow the link above to read the poem.  I did send a request to use it, but I didn’t plan ahead for that 😦


Footprints in the snow


Town Green in White

Traversing the Snow

Day 312 (7 November) Winter Has Arrived!

not officially, but the season’s first snow is falling.  Last week was a hurricane, this week snow via a Nor’easter.  This is New England!

There wasn’t much accumulation before dark, and with the wind blowing, I snuck outside during my work day to shoot a couple images of the grass peaking through the snow.  I should have taken more time to frame them up and check focus and DoF, but there is always tomorrow!  Plus, I should have more light and not have to fight the wind 🙂

I like the idea of the first image, I just need to work on the execution.  The second image is of the ball-shaped flakes as they started to accumulate on my deck.



Day 307 (2 Nov 2012) Norwich Waterfront

About 10 or so miles up the Thames river from Long Island Sound is a town called Norwich.  It’s not anywhere near the shoreline, yet there is a marina there.  It’s a quite place after dark, but beautiful with the colors reflecting off the water’s surface.  The are is pretty well lit so one can walk around and enjoy the area even late at night.

Tonight was a little breezy, as you can tell by the second photo.  I tried to capture the movement of the trees in the wind.  Not sure how well it shows, but I did like the clouds.  I did leave the shutter open a tad too long, as the stars were starting to trail (a 30 second exposure when it should have been 20-25 seconds).

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2012_Nov_02_Norwich Night_076

I have a question for all y’all out there, is there a better WordPress theme than the twenty twelve for a photo blog?  I prefer to link my photos from Flickr vice hosting them here, if that makes a difference.  Thanks!

Day 303 (30 Oct 2012) Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy hit hard Monday.  Wind gusts over 80mph.  Power lost.

The first shot is shot through a rain-pelted window.  I intentionally focused between the window and the trees.  The second is the same trees, but showing blur from the drops on that same window.  the last one is a longer exposure shot after the moon peaked out of the clouds for a moment.  The wind was still blowing well over 35mph, so everything is blurred.

I came out of the storm in good shape.  I lost power for 48 hours, and had no damage.  Only thing that happened is the roof blew off of my shed, but since it’s a module plastic shed, I can simply put it back on and snap it in place 🙂

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Day 304 (30 Oct 2012) Powerless

Hurricane Sandy knocked out power to most of the state, including my home.  But having prepared, I had propane for my fireplace (not as fun as a real one, but much more convenient).  I thought it might be fun to play around with shooting it, including changing the focal length (zoom) while the shutter was open.  The first is my fav of the group because it looks like the grate is in the fire in part 🙂

