Day 121 (30 April 2012) Long Exposure Lake

Tonight, like most Monday’s, I don’t get a chance to shoot until after 9pm.  And most Monday nights, tonight included, I didn’t really plan the shot out ahead.  So I took a random road I’ve never driven when I saw it crossed a lake on the Garmin.  I found one of the town reservoirs and shot from near the road.  The road was mostly deserted; I think only about 5 cars passed in the 30+ min I was out there.

The moon was trying to peak through the clouds, giving just enough light to see by once my eyes adjusted; it was quiet, and peaceful.  A relaxing experience just looking out on the lake while my camera did the same 🙂

Rosemond Lake

18 mm, 5 min, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Rosemond Lake)

Rosemond Lake II

55 mm, 3 min, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Rosemond Lake II)

This last shot has the exposure boosted way up in post, but it was taken after 10 pm, like the other two.

Middle of the Road

21 mm, 2 min, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Middle of the Road)

Day 120 (29 April 2012) Church Pot Luck

Today we had Family Fun Day, which started off with a pot luck then a Veggie Tales movie.  Then I went on a 10 mile bike ride with a cycling group at my church. (I was the only guy on a Mt. Bike, and consequently, the slowest guy out there! I need to hit the gym!)

If you don’t know what a pot luck is, it’s where every family brings a random dish to share w/ the rest of everyone.  Sometimes they can be organized and have lots of variety, or 6 types of jello, a bag of chips, and a lot of soda.  This was the former and I just wish I had more room in my stomach!

Random Pot Luck Salad

60 mm, 1/50 sec, f/3.2, ISO 200, 60mm macro lens (Random Pot Luck Salad)

Strawberry Salad

60 mm, 1/40 sec, f/3.2, ISO 400, 60mm macro lens (Strawberry Salad)

Dogs on the Grill

60 mm, 1/640 sec, f/3.2, ISO 100, 60 mm macro lens (Dogs on the Grill)

Burning Meat

60 mm, 1/1250 sec, f/3/2, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Burning Meat)

I realize now I didn’t change the f/stop, and some variations might have resulted in better photos, but these are not bad 🙂 (I’m hungry again!)

Day 119 (28 April 2012) Sun and Sand

Today I had a goal of shooting a long exposure shot of the sea, based on a technique I learned from SeeingSpotsPhotography (check her blog, amazing photos, great info, and lots of creative inspiration).  I was thinking I would go from an afternoon gathering at a friend’s place down to the beach (they are in a coastal town) and shoot.  It didn’t dawn on me to check what time sunset was (7:30ish PM), and as the gathering ended about 6ish, it was still very light out.  So I slapped on my polarizer and the 4x ND filter I have (strongest/only one) so I could slow the shutter down.  Best I could do was about 5 seconds, which wasn’t long enough to get the effect.  I tried various angles, compositions, but nothing was to my liking.  But the first photo is one I really like.  I’ve always been fascinated by the patterns the retreating water leaves in the sand, and a black & white conversion was just perfect, IMO.

The second shot is from this afternoon on my way to the gathering.  I pulled over from the interstate, rolled down the window, and shot a couple frames.  Worth the stop, I think, what do you think?

Sand Patterns

55 mm, 1.3 sec, f/29, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens w/ ND/polarizer filters (Sand patterns)

High Clouds

32 mm, 1/800 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (High Clouds)

On a side note, I was honored by Dan from Nine & a Half Hours Ahead for the Versatile Blogger Award

 I will be honest and say that I do feel honored by this award, especially coming from Dan!  But at the same time, I’m beginning to wonder about all the awards I’m seeing/getting nominated for.  I hope I’m not hurting anyones feeling with what I’m about to say, but each award has a unique name, but in the “rules” or “award post” there is nothing said about the meaning behind it.  This one would seem to mean the recipient’s blog covers a wide range of topics or subjects or is in some way “versatile”.  Maybe they all started that way, but now?  They all have a rule about how many other people you need to award it to.  So like those chain emails from 5-10 years ago that said you needed to send it to 10 people or your second cousin’s friend’s dog will die and you won’t get the award from Microsoft, I wonder if they are started to see how far they will spread. (I understand now why my fellow blogger Joanna does not accept awards.  You should check out her amazing blog!)

I only follow a few blogs, as I don’t have enough time to read all the really great stuff out there, so I feel like I’m awarding the same blogs awards again and again.  Not that they are not great or deserving, but I am asking myself, why did i get this particular one?  Sure, I do shoot the occasional really good photo, but i’m not a great photographer.  I do love shooting and sharing with you in the blog community, but I’m doing it ’cause it’s fun, not for recognition (yes, I do love all the likes and hits and stuff, it is very encouraging & ego boosting 🙂 ).

So, I’m going to make my own rule for this award.  I’m not going to tell you 7 more random thing about myself.  I am grateful to Dan for the nomination!  I will tell you “my” rules for this:
1. Know that I think your blog is great, and worth my limited time!!
2. Pass it on to a blog or blogs that you think are versatile in what they have (subjects, topics, etc) that you enjoy reading/following [doesn’t have to be 15!!]
3. Rules are meant to be broken sometimes 🙂

So, after all that (I can’t believe I ranted that much, sorry!), I award the Versatile Blogger award to:

lightswimming for the variety in photographic subjects

In My Back Pocket – Photography for the variety of techniques he uses in processing his photos

One Crazy Bible because of the way he tells the stories of the bible in a way that makes you think about it differently

Have a great night!  Let me know what you think of my “rant” on awards.

The Heart On Fire Award

Pablo nominated me for this award about 10 days ago, but I missed it 😦  I really enjoy his blog, especially the education he shares about the subject of his fine photos!  To keep this award I have to share 7 facts about myself (I feel like you will know all about me by the end of this year!)

1. I love reading: sic-fi fiction, leadership, personal finance, Christianity (I average about 1-2 books a month)
2. I have loved rock collecting since before I even knew what a camera was, and still have much of my collection from my childhood.
3. I live on the edge of a rural town in Eastern CT, and dislike living in “cities” and prefer my few acres of woods
4. I love photography (duh!)
5. I have lived in 7 states
6. Fall is my favorite time of year
7. I’ve broken 50mph on a snowboard 🙂

Those who I would nominate, are some more of my favorite blogs.  You should check them out, as they each have their own merits 🙂

Denzil Jennings Photography,


My Days in Focus
The Regina Chronicles 366

Project 365 by Kenneth Todd


Day 118 (27 April 2012) Do the Dew

I finally got up earlier enough to have time to shoot some shots of the dew before it evaporated away. After I got dressed and was about to grab my camera, the sun disappeared. I thought I had missed my chance by taking those extra minutes luxuriating in the shower. But as I sat down in my chair, the sun came out and gave me the perfect light for the shots! Then results have given me motivation to set the alarm a bit earlier on occasion!

Morning Dew

60 mm, 1/200 sec, f/6.3, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens, cropped (Morning Dew)

Dew Drop Bokah

60 mm, 1/50 sec, f/6.3, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Dew Drop Bokah)


60 mm, 1/250 sec, f/4.0, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Dandelion)

Day 117 (26 April 2012) Laser Painting II

It was suggested that I do a series based on my last laser experiment, so I’m continuing the experiment.  This time it’s not as dramatic, but after trying a few items, this turned out the best.

I’m learning that the color and luster of the object really affects the result.  So does the shape.  I’ll defiantly do this type of photo again.  Maybe even a portrait, as was suggested 🙂

Laser Fruit

37 mm, 16 sec, f/4.5, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Laser Fruit)

Sunshine Award

Sunshine Award

Yesterday I was honored by Camila (Thank you!!) with the Sunshine Award!

Now the rules are as follows:

  1. Include the logo award in your post.
  2. Answer some questions about yourself (I think it’s 6 more random things about me).
  3. Nominate some of the other bloggers that you love.
  4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
  5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

Ok, so 6 six about me…

1. I’m a Christian
2. My favorite color is green
3. I have moved homes 29 times in my life
4. I love sushi (and just about any ‘ethnic’ food)
5. I’m an engineer and financial counselor
6. My first car (which I still have) is older than I am

The following blogs are some of my favorites.  I can’t nominate everyone, so here are some of my favorites:

pablobuitrago365 – Pablo has received many awards, I think, and for obvious reasons; check out his blog!

The Northeastern Hippie – a blog w/ great tasting and healthy recipes, great photos, and musings on life.  She’s a good friend and a good blogger, check her blog out!

Quotography – new blog, but a great combo of quotes and photos – great photography and great insights – one of the most creative photographers I’ve met!  Learning a lot about being creative from her blog


Day 116 (25 April 2012) Government Building

Today I had to make a trip to Willimantic, CT.  I took a moment to stop on the way home to shoot the building where the county seat is located.  As a storm is moving in tonight, the clouds were quite wonderful to look at.  I found an old silo on my way home and shot a few  frames there, too.

Government Building

18 mm, 1/160 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Government Building)

Silo in a Field

23 mm, 1/60 sec, f/11, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Silo in a Field)


18 mm, 1/60 sec, f/11, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Field)

Day 115 (24 April 2012) A Dream

In my dreams I see a path

I look ahead, but afar I cannot see

I look behind, and see the trail I’ve left

I do not know what lies ahead

On this path, so straight and narrow

My path it is to follow,

That is which I know

Pressing on a step I take

To fulfill a destiny

Of which is mine

The Path Ahead

18 mm, 1/30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (The Path Ahead)

The Path I Dream Of

18 mm, 1/30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (The Path I Dream Of)

Colchester Airline Trail

18 mm, 1/30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Colchester Airline Trail)

Day 114 (23 April 2012) The Other Side of the Tracks

Tonight on my way home, I took a detour along a road with some old warehouses and discovered a set of track between them and the river.  I just had to stop!  I love trains and rail roads, and night shooting, and old brick buildings and water.  I found them all in once place!!

Norwich Rails

18 mm, 30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Norwich Rails)

The truck you see in the photo below is an oil deliver truck.  Many homes in the North East US rely on home heating oil for winter heat.  It’s much more expensive to heat a home with electric here, and unless you live in a natural gas supplied area, it’s either wood or oil.  The “oil” is just un-taxed diesel fuel.  Many homes (mine included) also use oil to make hot water for showers, etc.

Oil Delivery

18 mm, 30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Oil Delivery)

These next two I almost didn’t even upload.  But I figured I would try B&W and see what happened. I’m happy I tried!

Night Rails

18 mm, 30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Night Rails)

Night Rails II

18 mm, 30 sec, f/8.0, ISO 200, 18-55mm kit lens (Night Rails II)

Day 113 (22 April 2012) A Rainy Welcome Home

I just got home about 2 hours ago from a weekend long retreat with about 35 guys from my church; It was an amazing weekend! But at the same time, exhausting. Sometime after lunch, it started raining, so we were all welcomed home to pouring rain, but that’s ok, because as exhausted as I am, the rain will just help me feel better about going to bed really early 🙂

Since it’s dark and rainy, I figured I would give you a shot that shows that. The ‘attitude’ of the photo in no way represents how I’m feeling ( a mixture of joy, elation, and tiredness), but about the weather only.

Rain on the Screen

60 mm, 1/20 sec, f/2.8, ISO 1600, 60mm macro lens (Rain on the Screen)


I still have a lot of catching up to do on your comments, and of the blogs that I’m following. With the exception of posting real quick during a break to my blog, I’ve been on a media blackout from Friday afternoon till about 4pm today. So please be patient with me 🙂

Day 112 (21 April 2012) Look Up

I did manage to snap off a couple shots with my iPhone. This one was inspired by a fellow blogger who is amazing: Pablo. Since I’m posting with my phone, I’m not sure how to link to his blog, but he is a frequent source of encouragement to me in his comments to my posts. I strongly encourage you to find his photo blog! I’ll edit this when I get back home so Pablo’s properly credited.

EDIT: Here is Pablo’s Blog; check it out!!


Day 111(20 April 2012) Front Yard Flowers

Today I wanted to shoot some of the reaming flowers in my yard (most will die off as spring progresses 😦 ), especially the patches of small white flowers (no idea what kind they are).

And as a note, this afternoon I leave for a weekend-long retreat, so I may not get a post up tomorrow, but I will snap something with my phone, if nothing else, to keep from breaking my streak.  Not sure what interesting things I may see where I’m going, but I’ll try to resist the urge to use all the fancy filters/effects on the phone software.  But who knows, stay tuned to find out what happens!

White and Yellow

60 mm, 1/320 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Yellow and White)


60 mm, 1/60 sec, f/22, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Flowers)

Field of White

60 mm, 1/320 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Field of White)

Drive Way Beauty

60 mm, 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Drive Way Beauty)


60 mm, 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, 60mm macro lens (Thorns)

Day 110 (19 April 2012) Laser Painting

I’ve been wanting to play with my laser pointer for a while, and finally bought new batteries for it this past weekend, and tonight was the night!  I thought it would be cool to use it to reveal a shape in the dark.  Can you guess what the object is?

Laser Chair

27 mm, 18 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Laser Chiar)

Laser Painting

27 mm, 13 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Laser Painting)

Day 109 (18 April 2012) Shooting a Smoking Punk

Now before you start to wonder if I’m posting this from jail or hate punk music or people who smoke, I’ll let you know that a punk, in the way I’m using it, is a long stick covered in compressed sawdust. It’s used to light off fireworks. Check out the Wikipedia article on it; it’s a very short read.

A friend of mine saw my earlier post where I shot smoke from a candle and suggested this, as it will produce a steady stream os smoke for a long time, verses the few minutes. The trick to getting the most smoke is to rub a light coating of cooking oil over the surface. It works 🙂 Just do it outdoors, ’cause it does stink a little (my windows were open to help dissipate the odor!).

Smoking Punk

60 mm, 1/200 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, 60mm macro lens (Smoking Punk)

I used my speedlight, hand-held to the left, triggered by the on-camera flash. Boosted the blue wall using split-toning.

Day 108 (17 April 2012) Connecticut River Morning

Last night i went to bed with a plan for today’s shoot; get up early, stop and a river park, and shoot this rail road bridge I saw yesterday morning as the sun rose (or was still low).  The bridge in the first shot is a railroad bridge crossing the Connecticut

Rail Road Bridge

24 mm, 1/800 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Rail Road Bridge)

This first shot is a bit dull because it was shot almost directly into the sun (cropped from the upper right).  The second shot was almost directly away from the sun.

Hartford Morning

mm, 1/250 sec, f/11, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Hartford Morning)

Lets just say that I snoozed a few minutes too long, but I still did manage to get a couple pretty good shots.  I’m re-planning for Thursday morning for the same site, but planning on much earlier (like around sunrise).  LMK what you think of these 🙂

Day 107 (16 April 2012) The Office

The weather to day was magnificent!  It was in the high 70s and sunny!  I stepped outside of my office building during my lunch break, just to soak up some warmth and sun.  I snagged my camera, just in case.  I found myself on the north side of the building where we have a little grass and a couple pick-nic tables and the texture and patterns of the brick building grabbed my attention, almost as much as the green grass, budding trees, and birds fluttering about.

The symmetric lines drew my eyes down the side of the building as I stood next to it, and the rough texture drew my hand to the bricks’ surface as I walked down.  It was a great break from the beige fabric covered box, they call a cubical, that I spend most of my day in.

The third shot is of the sunset, shot from the parking lot of my church from right before I started my Financial Peace University class tonight.  I only had a few moments before my class arrived, but I like how this turned out 🙂

The Wall

18 mm, 1/40 sec, f/11, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (The Wall)


55 mm, 1/50 sec, f/11, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Bricks)

Seaport Sunset

18 mm, 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 100, 18-55mm kit lens (Seaport Sunset)

Day 106 (15 April 2012) An Eggcellent Dinner

I’m normally a planner: planning vacations a year out, having my shopping list on my phone, looking at multiple routes to a destination a week out, and planning future expenses on a monthly basis.  However, I’m not good at planning a menu.  So, no days like today, when I’m busy, working in the garage till I get hungry, I have to think of something easy, quick, and that involves ingredients I have in the house (which because I don’t plan meals, other than my standard lunch/breakfast, which rarely change), dinner can be interesting.

Tonight I had available to me eggs (extra from a recipe I made for Easter) and pancake mix.  I have been eyeing the eggs for a few days now, so I decided to fry them up, sunny-side-up and enjoy them.  Which I did 🙂

Sunny Side Up

60 mm, 1/40 sec, f/2.8, ISO 800, 60mm macro lens (Sunny Side Up)

Runny & Yummy!

60 mm, 1/25 sec, f/2.8, ISO 00, 60mm macro lens (Runny & Yummy!)

Day 105 (14 April 2012) Fire

Today was a good day; starting off w/ some good manual labor cleaning up the church grounds, followed by a visit from a good friend from The City (as NYC is called around here), and some time roosting marshmallows over a fire.  It was so relaxing just watching the fire burn; I could have fallen asleep in my chair if I wanted to 🙂


55 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400, 18-55mm kit lens (Fire)


55 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400, 18-55mm kit lens (Embers)

This last photo I tried one of the edge effect filters for Lightroom; I think it makes it more interesting to look at, what do you think?

Day 104 (13 April 2012) Game Night!

In honor of tonight’s planned Game Night, I staged a few photos of a game I think you all will quickly recognize.

Enjoy and have a great Friday Night!

Can you spell?

60 mm, 1/30 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, 60 mm macro lens (Can you spell?)

I think I have a Word

60 mm, 1/30 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, 60 mm macro lens (I think I have a Word)


60 mm, 1/30 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200, 60 mm macro lens (Canon)

I Love Taking. . .

60 mm, 1/30 sec, f/4.0, ISO 200, 60 mm macro lens (I Love Taking. . . )